"The next time you get the urge to move to a seaside cottage and become an oyster farmer, go to Red Hook instead. First, to Louis Valentino Jr. Pier, to stare at the Statue of Liberty and experience the closest thing we have to a sea breeze, and then to Red Hook Tavern, where everybody orders the burger, and nobody shares. That means that at any given moment at this corner spot on Van Brunt Street, 40 burgers are being consumed by 40 people at 40 seats. The silent, side-by-side consumption might make you feel closer to 39 complete strangers than you have to anyone in months. Reserve a spot at the bar, and sip on a martini, stirred by the bartender who also likes to bake, and made some rainbow cookies tonight. Suddenly, New York feels like a very small town. " - sonal shah, bryan kim, neha talreja, willa moore, will hartman