"The Dish: A Dozen Oysters Please don’t judge me for this one. I was having a bad week. I hadn’t been outside in months, accidentally bought a gigantic bag of decaf coffee, and just the night before, had resorted to hand-washing all of my loose change, just to pass the time. Sh*t was dark. So I bought a dozen oysters from Broad Street Oyster Company. What was I supposed to do? Not eat the platter of raw oysters right away? Drive all the way back to the Eastside from Malibu, a trip that could easily take two hours? Twist and turn down PCH, while my beautiful little oysters sloshed around in a puddle of melting ice in the passenger seat? No thank you. So, like the civilized, law-abiding person I am, I pulled into a deserted parking lot along the beach, gently spooned the sweet, meaty mollusks into my mouth, and thought about how much longer I could get away with not paying for my car registration." - kat hong