"Seattle “Canlis is a place where servers walk around with portable irons to smooth out rogue tablecloth creases. But when the pandemic began, this fine-dining landmark transformed over and over again - into a takeout burger joint, a drive-in movie theater, a morning bagel shop, and they even threw some sand in the parking lot to create a summertime crab shack. Their most recent pivot was Canlis Community College, in which they offered virtual courses like ‘Wine Drinking 101’ and lumpia-making lessons. There were also socially-distant field trips, university-style merch, and fancy TV dinners to-go. Now, Canlis is planning a yurt village for the winter. What are they going to do next? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s probably going to be pretty f*cking cool.” -Aimee Rizzo, Seattle Staff Writer" - team infatuation