"Helmed by chef Manabu “Hori” Horiuchi, Kata Robata is regarded as one of the finest destinations for sushi in the city, which is evident by its constantly packed lunch hours alone. The constantly changing menu spotlights fresh fish flown in from Japan multiple times throughout the week. For a thoroughly curated dining experience, there is the premium omakase meal, which allows guests to experience chef Hori’s hand-picked sushi selections. An unadorned but elegant dining room completes the picture. If you are looking to switch it up, visit its sister restaurant, Katami, which features sushi, a selection of expertly made hot dishes, including the highest quality wagyu beef in different preparations, and refreshing cocktails with the same emphasis on seasonal ingredients. The kakigori, made from ice imported from Japan, is also something special." - Brittany Britto Garley