"Owned by former Seattle Post-Intelligencer (RIP) columnist Mike Lewis, the Streamline is an untouchable Old Seattle institution known as a haunt for journos — and don’t let anyone tell you the old Streamline is a single drop better than the new one. Yes, the original spot was a few blocks away, on the same block as Ozzie’s, but all of the crust and dust followed it like a neighborhood cat when it moved in 2015. The current Streamline has the same drunks, the same enormous oval-shaped bar and green pleather stools, the same pinball machines and pool tables — they even brought the toilets over. Drinks are still cheap as hell, and the food’s still pretty good. Plus that cool-ass red-and-black checkerboard floor will delight even the Oldest Seattle curmudgeon. It’s like if there were a dive bar at the bottom of Alice’s rabbit hole." - Meg van Huygen, Mark DeJoy, Eater Staff