"Zoom out. What’s this place all about? Museo di San Marco is set in a beautiful convent designed in the 15th century by architect Michelozzo, a favorite of Cosimo de' Medici. Located in the Oltrarno neighborhood, it feels like it's a secret though it's always been beloved for its standout frescoes. A museum's permanent collection is its defining feature: What's in this one? The complex has everything you could want: a palazzo, a courtyard, a garden, and cloisters. But the main draw is the series of frescoes and panels painted by Fra Angelico (c.1400-1450), the convent's best-known resident artist. Are there temporary exhibits? This experience is full-immersion Renaissance: You're stepping into a time capsule. There's no curation, no seasonal exhibits, no pacing—nothing. It's a beautifully preserved convent-cum-museum. What did you make of the crowd? It's an all-ages bunch—you'll find yourself standing next to art lovers, Oltrarno residents, and school groups. Any advice for the time- or attention-challenged? The Museo di San Marco can be pared down into an hourlong swing through Fra Angelico's greatest hits. Walk through the first-floor Friars' dormitories for the Annunciation and the cells frescoed by Fra Angelico, then look for the Deposition and San Marco Altarpiece." - Erica Firpo