"Fashion and dogs; dogs and fashion. At McCarren Park, these wonders abound. Located smack between Williamsburg and Greenpoint and bound by Nassau Avenue, Bayard Street, Lorimer Street, and North 12th Street, McCarren is one of North Brooklyn’s best gathering places and community hubs. Activities on offer include softball, volleyball, soccer, handball, and more, but you’ll also see Brooklynites running on the track, rollerblading around the park’s perimeter, and hoisting each other up in acroyoga poses on the grass. Shopping and dining opportunities fringe the park and make for a bustling atmosphere—including the Greenmarket on Saturdays, a thrift market bursting with vintage clothes on the weekends, Awoke Vintage, Forma Pasta, Bernie’s, Frankels, and more." - Melissa Liebling-Goldberg, Alex Erdekian