"Originally opened in 2011 by the young and incredibly talented Pierre Touitou, Vivant 2 is now a showcase for chef Léo Dauvergne to hold court from his small kitchen behind the long marble bar. The lighting goes from soft to moody in the span of the first service, which encourages more of the schmoozing you had already casually begun to engage in with your neighbors. By the time it fills up, the space feels intimate, even a little steamy. But that's why it's magical. The liveliness starts slow and measured, reaching a crescendo by 9:30 p.m., at which point the team is moving to the music as they slice, dice, stir, and serve. Shareable, seasonal dishes define the menu here, and go big on seafood and meat (sometimes, paired together as with the beef tongue, Breton sea urchin, and black truffle dish during the winter). But there are enough veggie-forward options to satisfy all tastes. One recurring dish to look out for is the melt-in-your-mouth onion with juniper and Taggiasca olives." - Sara Lieberman, Lindsey Tramuta