"What’s this place all about? Museo dell'Opera del Duomo is a gorgeous and large new museum dedicated to the Dome and Basilica, as well as restoration projects. Despite its size, it's quite unassuming and often overlooked as it sits in the shadow of Brunelleschi's dome. What are we going to see here? Home to the largest collection of sculptures from Medieval and Renaissance Florence in the world, this museum has an active restoration lab and school on site. Other highlights include Ghiberti's doors, Michelangelo's The Deposition, a model of the original, never-completed façade of Santa Maria del Fiore, and a room dedicated to Brunelleschi's architectural masterpiece: the Dome of Florence cathedral. Can you describe the experience of the place a bit more? Space, pace, and volume are well planned—it never feels crowded. The lighting is beautiful: luminous in the grand hall and spotlit in the smaller rooms. Who else are we likely to see here? Visitors are largely art aficionados. Everyone is peacefully and calmly walking through the collection; Michelangelo's "Deposition" was a bit crowded, but not uncomfortably so. On the practical tip, how were the facilities? It's very easy to get around, and be sure to visit the panoramic terrace for a gorgeous, eye-to-eye view of Brunelleschi's dome. Any guided tours worth trying? You can meander on your own or download the museum's free app. Anything to look for at the gift shop? The gift shop sells great books." - Erica Firpo