"On Hyde Park, The Lanesborough is an unashamed concoction of gilding, trompe l’oeil, and marble that has all the interior oomph of a palace hotel—and, with a butler for each room, service to match. A tip-to-toe renovation has celebrated the original style of the building so enthusiastically that you half expect Jane Austen or Lord Byron to come tripping in for tea. The building is a former hospital, but you wouldn’t know that either—this is the least utilitarian of all London’s hotels, with ornate cornicing, frescos, and tinkling chandeliers. It’s so fancy that wearing jeans feels disrespectful, so bear that in mind when checking in. You won’t find the Snapchat generation here—rather, those longing for a time gone by, one with on-the-button service, proper curtains, and landlines." - Nicholas DeRenzo, CNT Editors