"If the kids start talking about GOATs, don’t panic – it’s unlikely to be a new pet request. In Barcelona the only GOAT – or Greatest Of All Time – is soccer player Lionel Messi: the striker, star, God and GOAT of FC Barcelona. A visit to his office, the Camp Nou stadium, is a treat: the Trophy Gallery hoards championship awards like the rest of us hoard spare change, there are photo opportunities with the stars (OK, mocked-up opps – but still, convincing), and its capacity is staggering. Even as an adult, you feel awed and oddly ant-like in the vast cement arena, which, if filled completely constitutes the 10th largest city in Catalonia. For sporty children, a trip to the Messi Space (a shrine to the star) or the first team’s dug-out will make them feel driven, pumped and desperate for you to spend 70 euros on a shirt at the gift shop. Located outside the city center, the best way to arrive is via the hop-on, hop-off Barcelona Bus Turístic – riding the top deck, obviously. After all, how else would Messi do a victory parade?" - Gemma Askham