"Founded in 1909, this single-story adobe is situated on the north side of the Plaza and is known as the oldest public building in the United States. Displayed on blankets under a portal, you’ll find pottery and jewelry from 23 federally recognized Native American tribes and nations in New Mexico (a rotating lottery ensures different artisans visit daily). While the neighboring museum-like shops, including the beloved Shiprock Gallery, hawk high-valued, high-curated art pieces alongside cherished Navajo rugs, the portal’s local creatives and native artists, 1,500 in total, are immensely talented in their own right. You’ll find a highly-giftable spread of silver earrings, turquoise bracelets, belts and small pottery pieces. It’s also a great way to interact with the stories and customs behind the wares. For instance, a recent stroll showcased a Zuni craftperson’s gemstone bracelets alongside a Navajo maker's silver necklaces." - Kate Donnelly