"Against the backdrop of street-art splattered Shoreditch, the minimal greige exterior of Manteca is positively demure, giving nothing away of the delights to come. But once through the door, you’re hit with the full-frontal buzz of one of London’s hottest Italian dining destinations. Although it is possible to have a vegetarian meal here, Manteca is really all about the meat. This is a nose-to-tail establishment with their own in-house butchery and salumeria, a room full of hanging homemade goodies which use up all parts of the animal. This is proudly displayed as you go down the stairs, (not one for the vegans) and is sliced to order at the bar in the center of the restaurant. Ease yourself in with wild-farmed focaccia with rosemary and a plate of melt-in-the-mouth house charcuterie. Then it’s on to small plates of pork and beef meatballs, melon and prosciutto crudo and ‘nduja steamed mussels, with some homemade ricotta and courgettes and a herby pea salad to lighten things up just in time for the pasta course—all homemade, of course." - Elizabeth Winding, Sonya Barber