"What did you think of the hotel when you arrived?This is the type of hotel you'd imagine in a storied Parisian neighborhood, all spiral staircases and antiques. It is sexy and classy, and you would travel to Ghent just so you could say that you had stayed there. Who else do you see at the hotel?Know the Antwerp Six? The fashionable bunch that dominated the global style scene in the '80s and '90s? Their contemporary equivalents. Beautiful, interesting people with exceptional taste—and a better wardrobe that anyone you know. Sounds cool. Now tell us all about your room.The rooms are dark and sultry, and reminiscent of, say, a pied-à-terre in Montmartre in the 1920s: deep-green painted walls, heavy grey curtains, dark wood antiques. The beds are crisp and white, though, and pop as a result of the room's palette. Perhaps intentionally, it makes the bed the focal point of the room, which any place you're overnighting in should, really. The split-level Carriage Room feels more like home, with soft pink linen sofas that are magic against those green walls. What about food and drinks, and is there room service?Can't speak to room service, but the bar is special. Be prepared for the most on-point old fashioned in town, and a Flemish-speaking crowd whose wardrobe you'll want to steal. Sold. So, bottom line: worth it?The Post 1898 is the type of hotel that can make or reinvent a destination. In the past, Ghent was likely a day trip from Antwerp or Brussels; now, it's a definite overnighter—if not weekender—thanks to this spot." - CNT Editors