"It doesn’t often make the top ten list for travelers, but it should: the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (the Hunting and Nature Museum) has occupied a hotel particulier since 1967. Since then, it has showcased the collection of François Sommer, a leading hunter and friend of André Malraux, a novelist and former French minister of cultural affairs who inaugurated the museum. The collection examines the relationship between humans and the living world through the lens and historical traditions of hunting. Visitors are invited to consider how the human perception of wildlife has evolved over time. After a two-year renovation, the museum reopened in 2021 with additional exhibition space. Given the intimate nature of the space, you could conceivably visit the permanent collection within an hour but we recommend allowing for more time—you'll want to linger quite a while in the trophy room." - Lindsey Tramuta, Melissa Liebling-Goldberg