"Edge of the Trees (Sculptural Installation) This sculpture was commissioned for the Museum of Sydney and developed by an indigenous and non-indigenous artist working together: Fiona Foley and Janet Laurence. The name of the sculpture comes from an essay by historian Rhys Jones, 1985: "…the 'discoverer' struggling through the surf were met on the beaches by other people looking at them from the edge of the trees. Thus the same landscape perceived by the newcomers as alien, hostile, or having no coherent form, was to the indigenous people their home, a familiar place, the inspiration of dreams.” This piece is worth examining closer. Take your time. Look. Touch. And listen. On the plaque nearby it is described as: "A place to enter, explore, contest anew; perhaps reconciliation?" http://www.hht.net.au/discover/highlights/collection_items/edge_of_trees"