"Scary Movies at the Drive-In You might associate the old-fashioned drive-in movie theater with warm summer nights, but this is Texas, where the summer heat wilts you even after the sun goes down. The Blue Starlite doesn't even start the season until after Labor Day, and it really gets going come October, when they host a month's worth of scary movies. The rest of the season (which runs until late spring or so) they have a range of indie, cult, and classic films, with occasional special events with actors and directors. Without wheels? You can walk in with your own seating and listen to the movie on your own radio or borrow a pair of vintage speakers (first come, first serve), but isn't that missing the point of the drive-in? This is your excuse to rent the biggest car you can afford, pick up a s'mores kit at the concession stand, and snuggle up in the backseat with your honey (keep it clean, folks) for a night at the movies. This is a "mini" drive-in with limited spots, so be sure to book tickets in advance and arrive early. ."