"The Baths of Caracalla The Baths of Caracalla, a third-century bathing complex located near the Circus Maximus, was the center of social life for tens of thousands of Romans who would gather there—around 10,000 at a time—to exercise, bathe, and relax. Admission was cheap and anyone could go and enjoy the 90-foot-tall bathing halls with heated floors and pools for dipping. Stroll through the ancient gymnasium, changing rooms, and Olympic-sized swimming pool and imagine what it was like when the marble-paved building was teeming with Romans. In the summertime, the Baths become the dramatic backdrop for the city's Opera season.And now, underground tunnels beneath the historic baths are open, featuring a video art installation by Fabrizio Plessi. This new access reveals the busy hive of underground activity performed by slaves and workers who supplied the material and energy for the baths above, shedding light on the “how tos” of running a massive spa."