"Find the Best Photography Vistas As the old truck lumbered down the highway we talked about the type of photography I normally like to do and he was able to narrow down some key stops for our morning where I’d be able to get some great shots that fit my style. It really is rare to get this kind of personalized treatment; this is where small town hospitality comes in. There’s no better way to photograph a region than going with a local who actually knows the region. Derek picked me up at the DesBarres Manor Inn after breakfast. He was not just a local who had grown up in the area, but he also was a photography enthusiast and was privy to some of the best views of the area. That morning he drove me all over the region – to the high points, the abandoned buildings and bridges, and some gorgeous wetlands that I never would have known existed. During the whole time he and I chatted about the progress of state of Guysborough, and the region in general. It was not only a great way to get photos that most visitors would never find, but it provided a super local insight into the region. More Information: Contact the DesBarres Manor Inn to scheduled a personal photography tour. http://www.desbarresmanor.com/"