Schloss Hellbrunn

Palace · Hellbrunn


"Hellbrunn Palace & Trick Fountains While the 17th-century Italian-style Renaissance palace at Hellbrunn is splendid, and its spacious park is filled with grottoes, sculptures, and fountains, the real draw is the unique Wasserspiele , or "trick fountains," which feature water shooting from various sources. (A highlight is the mechanical theater among the fountains with around 200 water-driven figures.) Commissioned by Prince-Archbishop Markus Sittikus in 1613, thepalace and grounds were designed as the ultimate Lustschloß , or "pleasure palace," worthy of entertaining a who's who of nobility—at least those who would tolerate his shenanigans. It still makes a fun getaway on a hot summer day in the Alps. The palace can be visited independently (an audio tour is available), but the trick fountains are fenced off and require a guided tour."

Salzburg and Salzburger Land
Photo courtesy of Tourismus Salzburg